Healthcare Resources and Information

BettyH. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project at UNC-Greensboro

Thisrepository includes a wealth of resources that you may access from theirwebsite, including oral history transcripts, photographs, brochures, letters,and other items donated by women veterans. Users may search by military branchor conflict.


H-Minervais an email listserv operated through H-Net ( This list is dedicated to the topicof women and war/women in the military. Anyone may subscribe. Visit the linkabove to view recent messages posted to the listserv, to gain furtherinformation, or to subscribe. Once subscribed, you will receive all messages toyour email inbox on a regular basis.


Homefront Heroines: The Waves of World War II

Thisdocumentary, currently in production, includes firsthand accounts of women whoserved in the U.S. Navy during World War II (Women Accepted for VolunteerEmergency Service, or WAVES). The website linked here offers information aboutthe project and a link to the associated Facebook page.


Medieval Women and War

Anonline reference tool with information about pertinent books and otherresources about women and war in the medieval period.


Military Women Veterans: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Createdand maintained by a WAF (Women in the Air Force) veteran, this website offersan extensive overview of women’s participation in American wars, from theRevolutionary War to the present.


Noonie Fortin’s Website

Asite dedicated to the women who have died while serving the United States inall wars. The “Links” page includes a number of resources specific to militarybranches or interest topics.


Rosiethe Riveter World War II/Home Front National Historic Park

Inhonor of the civilian women who worked in American industry during World WarII, this national park site and its affiliated website provide informationabout America’s “Rosies”. You may also learn how to participate in the oralhistory project that seeks to hear the stories of al World War II “Rosies.”

When Janey Comes Marching Home

Thismultimedia project focuses on women who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.Through this website, you can view photographs and hear interviews fromveterans involved with the project.


Women Come to the Front: Journalists, Photographers, and Broadcasters During WorldWar II

Anonline exhibit from the Library of Congress, this site explores the experiencesof civilian women in the media during World War II.


Women in Aviation History (The Ninety-Nines)

TheNinety-Nines, an organization of female aviators, maintains this list ofresources related to women in flight.


Women in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation

TheWomen in Military Service for America Memorial is located in Washington, DC, atthe gates to Arlington Cemetery. At the foundation’s website, you can learnmore about women’s history in the U.S. military, including brief oral historiesand current statistics on women in the armed forces.