The Minerva Center is the center that patronizes female veterans and military women. From the very beginning our mission is to provide service women, including retired ones, with the useful information and to tell the world about them. Most people suppose that it is the men who should join the army and defend their country. Still, both now and always there are thousands of women who are brave enough to fight for their country on an equal footing with men.
No doubt, such women deserve respect, gratitude and recognition. It is highly important to know and talk about them. They frequently need complex assistance and support when they retire and return to usual peaceful life, and the recognition by the public can help a lot. They need to know that we are thankful for everything they have done for the benefit of our country.
To inform people about these brave women, we publish periodicals and books. To learn about them, go to the page Minerva`s Bookshelf. You can also find the list of useful materials on the page Sources. When possible, we also support writers who are interested in the issues related to military women. We know that finding sponsors for such projects is not an easy task, and make every effort to offer our mite.
In addition, women, turning to us, can get practical assistance in fighting against psychological problems associated with their service. We organize professional training courses that help them overcome PTSD, MST and other conditions. Sure, we will be happy to teach everyone interested how to help others deal with such problems, too. Do you want to learn more? Go to the page Wounded Warrior Healers.
We are a noncommercial organization that is supported by private contributors. We also cover our expenses out of the proceeds from the sale of books and periodicals issued by our organization. So, if you want to support us, make a donation or buy one of our books or journals.