Battle Cries and Lullabies
Women in War
from Prehistory to the Present
By Linda Grant De Pauw
Battle Cries and Lullabies: Women in War from Prehistory to the Present is Dr. Linda Grant De Pauw’s first non-fiction book since Seafaring Women‘
Those supporters of the MINERVA Center who contribute $50 or more will receive an autographed copy of the hard cover first edition of this important book. Currently, Battle Cries and Lullabies is available through bookstores only in paperback–this edition is a collectors item available only through the Center.
the authoritative text on
the history of women in war
In this groundbreaking work, which covers thousands of years and spans the globe,
Linda Grant De Pauw explores the varied roles women have played in war. De Pauw depicts women as victims and as warriors, as nurses, spies, sex workers, wives and mothers of soldiers, as warrior queens leading armies into battle, and as baggage carriers marching in the rear.
Beginning with the earliest archeological evidence of warfare and ending with the dozens of wars in progress today, Battle Cries and Lullabies demonstrates that warfare has always and everywhere involved women. Following an introductory chapter on the questions raised about women’s participation in warfare, the book presents a documented, chronological survey linked to familiar models of military history.
De Pauw provides historical context for current public policy debates over the role of women in the military. “Whether one applauds or deplores their presence and their actions, women have always been part of war. To ignore this fact grossly distorts our understanding of human history.”
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